Camp Handbook
Mandatory Forms
Must be submitted prior to camp participation. Please complete forms and bring to camp check-in on the first day of camp.
Optional Forms
OTC Medication
Medical Management
Food Allergy
Policies and Procedures
Meals & Lodging
Residential campers will be staying in on-campus dorms and will be provided breakfast, lunch and dinner. Full-Day campers will be provided lunch. Half-Day campers will be released prior to lunch.
Inclement Weather
Camp will occur rain or shine. We have indoor courts in the event weather forces us inside.
What to Bring
We do not recommend bringing personal or expensive items to camp. WE WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR LOST OF STOLEN ITEMS.
Overnight Campers:
Tennis apparel and equipment for daily sessions
Water bottle (we will provide water jugs on court)
Casual clothes for evening activities
Towel (for shower and pool)
Pillow and twin bed sheet/blanket.
Full and Half Day Campers:
Tennis apparel and equipment for daily sessions
Water bottle (we will provide water jugs on court)
Overnight Camp Policies
Parents will be only allowed to visit campers in the dorm lobby, there will be no parents (aside
from check in and out) in the dorms rooms or halls.
The camp is co-ed. Male and Female campers will be separated by hall/floor and supervised
by an overnight counselor of the same sex. Male and Female campers will only be permitted
to visit in the lobby/neutral area. If this rule is broken, parents will be called and it will be
the decision of the directors as to whether the camper will be permitted to continue with
Dorm Check In and Check Out procedures and directions will be updated closer to camp start dates.
• The Quad – University Housing (auburn.edu)
Spending Money & Camp Store
The Camp fee includes all the meals that the players will eat during the week. However, many campers like to purchase snacks or sports drinks throughout the day at the camp store. Cash only please.
Drop-Off and Pick-Up Procedures
Participants may be dropped-off during the check-in time listed on the Agenda. Parents should drop off and pick up their children at Yarbrough Tennis Facility each day. Please know that we cannot release campers to meet parents in their car.
Parents/Guardians must check their camper in at drop-off and sign them out a pick-up. Auburn Tennis Camps, LLC will not assume responsibility for Participants who arrive before the start time.
Participants may not leave during the camp without a parent/guardian’s signature and the permission of the Program Director.
Participants who drive themselves will be required to check in and out at the end of camp.
The Participant’s parents/guardians must specify which adults are authorized to pick up the Participant (You may email wareagletenniscamps@gmail.com or do so at check-in). No camper will be allowed to leave with anyone other than a legal guardian without proper notification and ID shown to the Auburn Tennis Camp Staff.
Medical Care
All Participants are required to complete the Medical Information Form. This is where parents may provide emergency medical information and specify any special needs.
While we hope that your child stays happy and healthy throughout their stay with us, we need to be prepared to handle medical emergencies that might arise. Each camp will have an Auburn University athletic trainer available at all times that campers are on court to take care of all minor injuries. Please communicate any concerns or additional information to them at check in.
Covid Protocols
Effective February 23, 2022, face coverings will be optional for all individuals on Auburn University’s campus.
Parents and/or campers should self-monitor and not come to camp if they are having any COVID Symptoms
Parents are expected to pick up their child with COVID symptoms within the same day as notification of illness. Camper will not be allowed to return to camp until presenting a negative COVID test to the camp directors
For more information on University policies, visit the COVID-19 resource center website:
Allergy or Disability Accommodations
This program takes seriously its responsibility to offer reasonable accommodations for qualifying. Participants with allergies and disabilities. If you have questions about the physical access provided for the program or anticipate your child needing any type of accommodation to participate in the program, please contact the Program Director.
Medication Management
Participants who will need to take medications (prescription or over the counter) during their stay must check them in with program personnel upon arrival. All medications except for emergency rescue medications (ex. inhalers, epinephrine) for the Participant should be in their original containers and sealed in a zip-top bag labeled with the Participant’s full name and date of birth. Emergency rescue medications may be kept with the Participant with the parent’s written consent. Parents/Guardians should complete a separate Medication Management Form (See the Forms section) for each medication to specify exactly how and when the Participant should self-administer the medication.
Program staff will secure the medication bag and make it available to the Participant. Staff members will not handle bottles or their contents directly, and they may not provide guidance on how the medication will be taken. If the Participant is not sure of the correct dosage or timing, they will be directed to contact their parent/guardian. It is the Participant’s responsibility to contact staff for their medications.
All medications and medication bags will be returned to the Participant’s parent/guardian when the program is over. If the Participant will not be picked up by their parent/guardian at the end of the program, the parent/guardian must give prior written permission for the medication to be returned to the Participant.
Communicable Diseases
For the health of all our Participants, parents/guardians are required to notify the Program Director of all communicable diseases your child may have contracted (i.e., chicken pox, head lice, pink eye, etc.). Specific information will be kept confidential.
Staff Supervision
Making sure that all participants are properly supervised and secure in their surroundings is especially important to us.
The participant to staff ratios used by this program are based on participant age and meet or exceed the standards recommended by Auburn University Minors on Campus Guidelines. Participants must be supervised at all times, and one-on-one contact is generally prohibited except in emergency situations.
Emergency Information
Shelter Location: In the event of weather, participants may leave with parents in attendance or will be moved inside to the Indoor courts until all warnings have expired. Parents/Guardians are welcome to check their children out if they are concerned about the forecast, but in the interest of safety, we advise that parents/guardians do not check them out during weather WARNING events.
Communication: In the event of an emergency, we will email or call you using the emergency contact information provided in your registration materials. Participants who carry cell phones will be allowed to use them to contact their parent/guardian if necessary.
Parents/guardians and Participants may also register for AU ALERT. Learn more about the AU ALERT system at www.auburn.edu/administration/campus-safety/aualert.
Participant Code of Conduct
The following section outlines the conduct expectations of all participants of this program.
Participants will:
Not possess or use alcohol, tobacco, non-prescribed prescription drugs, illicit drugs, fireworks, guns or other weapons.
Show respect to all other Participants, Youth Program Personnel, and the Program Director.
Respect others’ physical boundaries.
Always use appropriate language.
Refrain from causing bodily harm to self, other participants, and staff.
Violence, sexual abuse, harassment, hazing, or bullying will not be tolerated.
Treat equipment, supplies, and facilities with respect.
Theft of property--regardless of owner--will not be tolerated.
Misuse or damage of University property is prohibited. Charges will be assessed against those Participants who are responsible for damage or misuse of University property.
Use cell phones only during free time and not during scheduled activities unless otherwise asked to do so. The inappropriate use of cameras, imaging, and digital devices is prohibited, including use of such devices in showers, restrooms, or other areas where privacy is expected by participants or Youth Program Personnel.
Follow the Program’s rules regarding personal motor vehicles. Participants will:
Not operate a motor vehicle while attending and participating in the program.
Park in accordance with University parking regulations.
Internet Access
Unfiltered internet access may be available to your child while they are on-campus. Participants are expected to refrain from using this access to view inappropriate materials, but program staff are not able to monitor your child’s use of the internet. We will not have wifi information to provide.
Child Abuse or Neglect Reporting
Auburn University has taken steps to ensure that all Youth Program Personnel are aware of their responsibility to report known or suspected child abuse or neglect, but it is also important for participants and their parents/guardians to report suspicious behavior. If we all work together, we can create the safest possible environment for your child.
All Youth Program Personnel are required to report known or suspected child abuse or neglect. If you or your child become aware of known or suspected child abuse, please report it immediately by dialing 911 or calling DHR. Alabama DHR county contact information can be found at https://dhr.alabama.gov/childprotective-services/child-abuse-neglect-reporting/